Thursday, October 6, 2011

Rock'em Sock'em Sketchbooks!

Gonna concentrate my efforts on this for awhile, but stay tuned to the Ice Cream Sandwich Gallery

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Rock'em Sock'em Sketchbooks

My buddy Kevin and I will be starting a new blog soon. A (back-and-forth) death match of sketching wits if you will. This is the first concept for the header.

Friday, July 22, 2011

My next "Great" idea.

Basic idea is - Photos of toys in sensual positions (see sample below).
Don't have a catchy name yet, but I think the idea is there.

Some name ideas:
Toy four-play
Toying around

Any further ideas any of you have on this would be appreciated!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

They didn't do it, they're just playing with it

Saki Momb

My mom is in visiting from Cleveland and I thought we would take her to Chino Latino for dinner. I thought, while we're there, might as well pressure her into a seemingly innocuous drink, a Saki Bomb. She put on the Karate Kid headband and rocked the drink. She said she beat me downing it, but I disagree. Anyway, she went right from the Saki Bomb to a Scorpion Bowl (pictured) within seconds! That's the first time in a long time that I've seen my mother drink more than one drink in a night. The pic is too funny, even if you don't care about the story.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

When you're me, everyday is Halloween

I have these memories of when I was a kid my mom would take a picture (will post later) of us before we went out to Trick-or-treat. Two of the better (or worse) costumes I remember were Admiral Ackbar and a Poncho style Spider-man outfit. The Admiral Ackbar costume was actually not my first pick. I wanted Boba Fett, but that didn't matter, because my mother was gonna pick out what she wanted anyway, thus Ackbar. Twas a shitty costume. It consisted of a cheap plastic garbage bag-esque smock and a Mask with the eyeholes in the mouth (because Ackbar had peripheral antelope-like eyes). The Spider-man "Fun Poncho" had the same lack-luster feel to it, but worse. Couldn't find a product shot of the Spider-man poncho but this Superman one is a label slap of the same thing. Check it out for yourself.

Note "Retarded Vinyl"

It's Boba fett, no "it's a trap!"

Optimus Crime

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

IllustraTED sketch project

Started a little characture side project for Ted's new Blog galery. Still a work in progress, but wanted to show my "math".

Possible death by Jenga

Jenga game using 4x4s.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Tuppence A Bag

I understand bread or Alka Selzer/Pop Rocks, but I never thought of feeding birds apples.

Puss in Subaru

Reminds me of that SNL skit, Toonces the driving cat

Wednesday, June 1, 2011